Hospital Unimed Recife III becomes the first digital hospital in Latin America
In addition to representing a historic milestone in Brazilian Health, the achievement results in savings above R$ 6 million in the operation of the institution

Hospital Unimed Recife III went down in Brazilian Health history in 2016 due to an unprecedented accomplishment in Latin America. The institution, located in Recife-PE and MV's customer since its inauguration in 2011, obtained the Digital Hospital certificate.
Granted by the largest Health Informatics association in the world, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), this acknowledgement is the result of the work developed in partnership with MV for two years to attain the highest level of clinical information technology.
With the main goal of ensuring greater assistance quality, the adoption of MV solutions was the cornerstone for HURIII to be the first hospital with this status among the Latin American countries. In addition to being historic, this achievement is also impressive with regard to the hospital economy. According to Fernando Cruz, Medical director at HURIII, "the high investment is one of the main challenges of the project, however the return is not only guaranteed, but also easily recovered". Some measured figures show a reduction in spending five times greater than the amount of R$ 1.3 million invested in the project.
Clinical pharmacy
The improvement of the administration closed circuit with 95% of the drugs administered at the bedside with double check, the automatic record on the electronic records of everything that is infused in the patients, the integration of the clinical pharmacy with the multidisciplinary team and the drug dispensation from the separation and identification by the patient's name, bed number and administration time, ensured greater control to the process, a decrease in the frequency of errors and savings of R$ 820 thousand.
Patients flow
The introduction of new clinical and assistance protocols in the MV system allowed for a better guidance of the medical practices with more accurate diagnoses and more assertive treatments. This led to a reduction in the average patient stay and, consequently, in expenses by R$ 1.2 million. After all, automatic warnings aid the medical teams, for example, at the time of prescription, where the system can indicate potential drug interactions, drug x diagnosis interactions, high drug dosage, allergic manifestations, influence of drugs in exams, etc.
Clinical audit
The maximum integration of all the HURIII departments for storing data structured and used by Business Intelligence (BI) solutions and the process of clinical audit for following up the whole healthcare trajectory of the patient increased the dehospitalization index and reduced in over R$ 4.2 million the costs of the institution.
Paperless operation
The availability of interoperability with other systems and Health institutions, the access to BI dashboards to support decisions and the storage of information of various medical equipment in the electronic records reduced in R$ 400 thousand the costs with paper, personnel and infrastructure.
According to Fernando Cruz, the preparation to attain HIMSS' certification at level 7 - maximum stage which ensures the status of Digital Hospital, started right after the attainment of level 6 in 2014. "It took two years adjusting and implementing technologies for complete automation of processes and, mainly, for structural changes aimed at improving patient care. And none of it would have been possible without MV!"
It took two years adjusting and implementing technologies for complete automation of processes and, mainly, proposing structural changes to improve patient care. And none of it would have been possible without MV.
Fernando Cruz - Medical Director at HURIII