Hospital 9 de Julho: greater efficiency and increase in revenue
Hospital 9 de Julho resorted to MV to ensure, by means of the implementation of its solutions, process control, quality when treating the patient and financial sustainability of the institution

Hospital 9 de Julho (SP), one of the main medical and hospital centers in Brazil, has always been aware of technological innovations, constantly investing in the area. With this purpose, it has chosen MV as a partner to replace the internally developed systems that operated at the Institution.
The full implementation of the solution, carried out within six months, has brought, in addition to the direct benefits arising from the automation of activities, the review and optimization of operation processes, with the elimination of unnecessary redundancies. The system has also offered consolidated information of the entire Hospital, providing the senior management with the immediate identification of distortions, which promoted speed in the adoption of corrective and preventive actions.
With all sectors working in an integrated manner, the operational return of it meant 15% more in the Hospital revenue. At the Sterilized Materials Central, the Hospital started monitoring the esterilization of instrumental and material, the transfers between the Central and the surgical center and other hospital units, as well as their return, in addition to managing the costs and revenue generated by the CME, through the association of surgical boxes to the procedures performed.
As for the Surgical Scheduling Contact Center, when registering the room reservation, the MV system requires and monitors all the resources needed for the performance of each surgery, ensuring greater efficiency and the maximum occupancy of the Institution. Before the day of the surgery, the Hospital offers additional information to the patient, registers his pre-hospitalization and arranges all permits, so that everything is ready beforehand, for greater comfort and customer satisfaction.
The use of the Patient's Electronic Records (PEP), at the Intensive Care Units, generated greater agility and security to the clinical activities because, while the doctor makes a prescription, the system identifies eventual drug interactions, allergies, atypical dosages or frequencies. Also going from the electronic prescription, among other processes, the system automatically forwards the requests of materials and drugs to the stock and the pharmacy, sets up diet maps at the nutrition and dietetics service, schedules laboratory tests or at the image diagnosis units and requests hemoderivatives. Another advantage to the PEP is that the test results are made available directly in the patients' electronic records, as they are performed. The system standardizes the medical and nursing procedures, in accordance with the Institution's standards, improving the treatment of patients and controlling costs.
The adoption of MV's hospital management solution, which took place in 2001, integrated a wide modernization process of the Institution, which included the inauguration of a new emergency care unit and a modern surgical center. Such innovations carried out in order to optimize the operation of the Institution and offer better services to its patients, contributed to the acquisition of the titles of Hospital of the Year of 2002 and 2003, by the Top Hospitalar award - the most important in the sector. In 2003, Hospital 9 de Julho also received the Full Hospital Accreditation, granted by the National Accreditation Organization (ONA).